- 11/20/2024: Congratulations Luis and Harrison! They were both awarded up to $700 from SPIE for Student Conference Support for their upcoming presentations at SPIE Photonics West 2025. Luis will be presenting his paper titled "Mesoscopic light-sheet imaging set-up for 3D SWIR fluorescence intensity and NIR fluorescence lifetime imaging" while Harrison will be presenting his work titled "Deep learning-based cancer cell line classification using morphological and topological organelle features".
- 10/08/2024: IBM FCRC Awarded! A research project led by Dr. Xavier Intes and Dr. Vikas Pandey titled "Optimization of Hardware-based Neural Network Accelerators for Fluorescence Lifetime in Biomedical Applications" has been selected for $100,000 in funding through 2025 by IBM as part of the IBM-RPI Future of Computing Research Collaboration.
- 10/31/2024: Congratulations Ismail and Vikas! Their work titled “A Leap Forward in Cancer Imaging: Optimizing Recurrent Neural Networks for Real-Time Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging on Resource-Constrained FPGAs” has been selected for an exclusive, “invite-only” showcase at the IBM Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights!
- 10/17/2024: Congratulations Ismail and Vikas! Their manuscript titled "Compressing Recurrent Neural Networks for FPGA-accelerated Implementation in Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging" has been accepted for publication in NeurIPS 2024!
- 10/17/2024: Congratulations Professor Yuanyuan Gao (PhD '20), on her new academic position as Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Wichita State University!
- 10/14/2024: Congratulations Vikas and Ismail! Their manuscript titled "Deep Learning-based Temporal Deconvolution for Photon Time-of-Flight Distribution Retrieval" has been accepted for publication in Optics Letters!
- 09/17/2024: Congratulations Jason and Vikas! Their manuscript titled "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging for Quantification of Targeted Drug Delivery in Varying Tumor Microenvironments" has been accepted for publication in Advanced Science!
- 09/17/2024: Dr. Vikas Pandey has been promoted to a Research Scientist. Congratulations Vikas!
- 07/16/2024: Congratulations Vikas! Dr. Vikas Pandey has been selected by the National Cancer Institute to give a podium presentation at the Junior Investigator meeting. This selection comes with a financial award that covers all expenses for the trip.
- 07/02/2024: Dr. Xavier Intes Named J. Erik Jonsson ’22 Distinguished Professor! Congratulations Dr. Intes on being named the J. Erik Jonsson ’22 Distinguished Professor! An endowed chaired professorship is among the highest honors bestowed on a Rensselaer faculty member. This honor is a testament to the dedication and expertise Dr. Intes has shared with his lab and his commitment to excellence within the RPI community since 2006. Congratulations on this enormous achievement and wishing you many more to come!
- 05/30/2024: Congratulations Saif, Shan, Nanxue and Vikas! With our collaborators at AMC, the book chapter manuscript titled "Near-infrared macroscopic and mesoscopic fluorescence lifetime FRET imaging to measure intra-tumor heterogeneity of antibody-target engagement" was accepted for the book "Emerging Technologies for Cancer Detection and Diagnosis."
- 05/29/2024: On Thursday, June 6th at the Albany Capital Center, collaborator Dr. Margarida Barroso has been invited to speak at NYSTEC's 2024 Population Health Innovation Summit (PHIS 2024) about the impact of AI in breast cancer research, diagnosis and targeted therapy. To view the full agenda and register, visit
- 05/22/24: Congratulations Navid! Navid Nizam received a highly competitive student travel award to attend the 5th annual MCX workshop!
- 05/15/2024: Congratulations Condell! Condell has been nominated as a GEM Associate Fellow!
- 04/15/2024: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled “One-shot skill assessment in high-stakes domains with limited data via meta learning” has been accepted for publication in Computers in Biology and Medicine!
- 03/22/24: Congratulations Shan! Dr. Shan Gao successfully defended her thesis "Time-domain Optical Tomography Platform for Mesoscopic Lifetime Imaging". During her time with us, Shan has authored publications such as "Design and characterization of a time-domain optical tomography platform for mesoscopic lifetime imaging", was awarded the SPIE Student Travel Grant to present her research and interned at Merck Pharmaceutical working in preclinical biomarker imaging. Thanks for all of your fantastic work Shan!
- 01/09/2024: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled “Brain-behavior analysis of transcranial direct current stimulation effects on a complex surgical motor task” has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Neuroergonomics!
- 12/01/2023: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled “Distinguishing Laparoscopic Surgery Experts from Novices Using EEG Topographic Features” has been accepted for publication in Brain Sciences!
- 09/13/2023: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled “Assessment of Surgical TAsks Using Neuroimaging Dataset (ASTaUND)” has been accepted for publication in Scientific Data!
- 08/15/2023: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled “Performance and Learning Rate Prediction Models Development in FLS and RAS Surgical Tasks Using Electroencephalogram and Eye Gaze Data and Machine Learning” has been accepted for publication in Surgical Endoscopy!
- 07/06/2023: The MCP Translational Research Forum will Present "Advances in Target Therapy for Breast Cancer": Dr. Intes will be participating in a forum on July 13, 2023 that will highlight a regional collaboration between Albany Medical College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. More specifically, it will highlight how our collaborative team integrates biology, engineering and clinical pathology to tackle new ways to target breast cancer therapy.
- 07/03/2023: The National Cancer Institute of the NIH has written an article highlighting the research of our recently awarded R01 grant in collaboration with Albany Medical College!
- 06/23/2023: Congratulations! With our collaborators at AMC, the manuscript titled "Spatial topology of organelle is a new breast cancer cell classifier" has been accepted for publication in iScience!
- 06/14/2023: Congratulations Jason! A figure from his manuscript, "FRET in small animal optical imaging: intensity versus lifetime-based approaches" has been selected for the cover of the June 14th, 2023 issue of Biophysical Reports! Great work!
- 05/23/2023: Researchers led by Dr. Xavier Intes from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and Dr. Margarida Barroso from Albany Medical College were awarded a $3.3 million grant over five years by the National Cancer Institute to use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve targeted drug therapy in HER2-positive breast cancer treatment.
- 05/19/2023: Congratulations to Navid on his selection as a finalist for the 2023 Optica Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences Student Paper Prize for his paper, entitled "3D Fluorescence Lifetime Estimation Using Deep Learning"!
- 05/10/2023: Congratulations Navid and Condell! Navid won the 3rd place award at the podium presentation and Condell won the 1st place award at the poster presentation during RPI BME’s Graduate Research Symposium
- 04/25/2023: Congratulations Jason! His manuscript titled "FRET in small animal optical imaging: intensity versus lifetime-based approaches" has been accepted for publication in Biophysical Reports!
- 04/24/2023: Welcome Saif! Saif is joining the lab this fall from Boston University. He will join the project focusing on mesoscopic imaging. We're happy to have you joining us!
- 04/21/2023: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled “Changes in Functional Neuroimaging Measures as Novices Gain Proficiency on the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) Suturing Task” has been accepted for publication in Neurophotonics
- 04/17/2023: A Visit from Dr. Daniel Leff! It was a pleasure to host Dr. Daniel R. Leff from the Imperial College London! Aside from a fascinating seminar on his surgical skill assessment work, he provided us with great discussions on the state of the field and we are looking forward to future interactions with him!
- 03/24/2023: Congratulations Shan and Luis! Their manuscript titled "Characterization of fluorescence lifetime of organic fluorophores for molecular imaging in the SWIR window" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Biomedical Optics!
- 01/25/2023: Congratulations Navid, Marien and Jason! Their manuscript titled "Deep Learning Based Fusion of Widefield Diffuse Optical Tomography and micro-CT Structural Priors for Accurate 3D Reconstructions" has been accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express!
- 12/13/2022: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled “Video-based Formative and Summative Assessment of Surgical Tasks using Deep Learning” has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.
- 11/23/2022: Congratulations Shan and Navid! They were both awarded up to $700 from SPIE for Student Conference Support for their upcoming presentations at SPIE Photonics West 2023. Shan will be presenting her paper titled "Ex vivo mesoscopic assessment of drug delivery and target engagement via lifetime FRET" while Navid will be presenting his work titled "Micro-CT guided deep neural network for 3D reconstructions in widefield diffuse optical tomography".
- 11/13/2022: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled "Error related brain state analysis using electroencephalography in conjunction with functional near-infrared spectroscopy during a complex surgical motor task" has been accepted for publication in Brain Informatics.
- 10/11/2022: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled "Portable neuroimaging differentiates novices and experts for the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) suturing with intracorporeal knot tying task" has been accepted by Surgical Endoscopy!
- 08/10/22: Congratulations Jason! Dr. Jason Smith successfully defended his thesis "Comprehensive Assessment of Cellular Drug Delivery and Efficacy via Noninvasive Functional and Time-Resolved Molecular Optical Imaging". During his time with us, Jason has authored publications such as "In vitro and in vivo NIR fluorescence lifetime imaging with a time-gated SPAD camera", was awarded the Eiffel Excellence Fellowship in 2019 and is the co-inventor of a patent on Fluorescence lifetime imaging using deep learning! Thanks for all of your amazing work Jason!
- 08/03/20222: New R21 Grant Awarded. Drs. Barroso, Kruger and Intes are awarded an R21 focusing on "Artificial intelligence enhanced cancer cell classification based organelle morphology and topology". This is a two year grant with a budget of over $450k. The award will further support the long standing collaboration between AMC and RPI on precision medicine for oncology.
- 08/03/2022: Congratulations! With our collaborators on the surgical skill assessment project, the manuscript titled "Directed information flow during laparoscopic surgical skill acquisition dissociated skill level and medical simulation technology" has been accepted in Nature Science of Learning
- 07/13/2022: Congratulations Shan and Jason! Their manuscript "Design and characterization of time-domain optical tomography platform for mesoscopic lifetime imaging" has been accepted in Biomedical Optics Express. Excellent work!
- 07/12/2022: Congratulations Marien, Jason and Shan! Their manuscript "Computational Macroscopic Lifetime Imaging and Concentration Unmixing of Autofluorescence" has been accepted in Journal of Biophotonics! Well done!
- 07/06/2022: Congratulations Marien! Dr. Marien Ochoa successfully defended her thesis "Compressive Hyperspectral Single-Pixel Imaging for Lifetime Imaging and Tomography Applications ". During her time with us, Marien has co-authored a book chapter titled "Diffuse Fluorescence Tomography", was awarded the Kahn Fellowship in 2019 for her work in this lab and is the co-inventor of a patent on Fluorescence lifetime imaging using deep learning! On top of this she has published multiple papers such as "Net-FLICS: fast quantitative wide-field fluorescence lifetime imaging with compressed sensing – a deep learning approach". Thanks for all the incredible work you've done Marien!
- 06/22/2022: Congratulations Condell! His manuscript "Deep Learning in fNIRS: a Review" has been accepted to Neurophotonics!
- 06/06/2022: Welcome Nanxue Yuan! Nanxue is joining the lab this summer from the Pennsylvania State University. She will join the project focusing on further validating Macroscopic Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (MFLI) and Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging (SFDI) parameter measurement / analysis for preclinical assessment of therapeutic response. We're happy to have you joining us!
- 04/28/2022: Congratulations to Navid, Marien, Jason & Shan! Their manuscript "Monte Carlo Based Data Generation for Efficient Deep Learning Reconstruction of Macroscopic Diffuse Optical Tomography and Topography Applications" has been accepted in Journal of Biomedical Optics!
- 03/30/2022: Congratulations Jason and Shan! Their manuscript "In vitro and in vivo NIR Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging with a time-gated SPAD camera" has been accepted in Optica!
- 03/15/2022: Congratulations Jason and Marien! Their paper "Deep learning in macroscopic diffuse optical imaging" has been published in J. of Biomedical Optics!
- 03/14/2022: Congratulations to Navid, Marien and Jason! Their paper "3D k-space reflectance fluorescence tomography via Deep Learning” has been published in Optics Letters!
- 02/14/2022: Congratulations to Yuanyuan! Their manuscript "Deep Learning-based Motion Artifact Removal in Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)" has been accepted in Neurophotonics.
- 01/30/2022: Congratulations to Marien, Jason and Alena! Their book chapter "Macroscopic Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging for Monitoring of Drug–Target Engagement", a contribution to the book series "Methods in Molecular Biology", has been published.
- 01/26/2022: Congratulations to Marien, Navid, Shan and Jason - all of their submissions have been accepted for presentation at OSA Biophotonics Congress 2022, which will be held 24-27 April 2022 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Well done!
- 12/21/2021: Congratulations to Marien, Navid and Shan! Their book chapter "Diffuse Fluorescence Tomography", a contribution to the book "Biomedical Optical Imaging" has been published.
- 11/11/2021: Dr. Intes gave an online seminar as a part of Neuroergonomics 2021. Watch it here! (starts around 21:00)
- 10/15/2021: Congratulations to Alena, Marien, Navid, Shan and Jason - all of their submissions have been accepted for oral presentation at SPIE Photonics West, which will be held 22-27 January 2022 in San Francisco, California, USA. Well done!
- 08/23/2021: Congratulations to Dr. Intes. Their manuscript "Deep neural networks for the assessment of surgical skills: A systematic review" has been published in The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation!!
- 05/19/2021: The final work of Dr. Fugang Yang has been accepted in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. This work titled "Accelerating vasculature imaging in tumor using mesoscopic fluorescence molecular tomography via a hybrid reconstruction strategy" combines AI and mesoscopic imaging in a very innovative way. We have been blessed collaborate with him and the field will miss him sorely.
- 04/14/2021: Congratulations to Marien, Jason and Dr. Intes! Their manuscript "Deep Learning in Biomedical Optics" has been accepted to Lasers in Surgery & Medicine!
- 04/14/2021: It is with extreme sadness that we learned that Dr. Fugang Yang passed away Monday, April 13th 2021. He was a dear colleague and friend to our lab community. Our thoughts are with his family during these very difficult times.
- 02/25/2021: Congratulations to Yuanyuan! Their paper "Decreasing the Surgical Errors by Neurostimulation of Primary Motor Cortex and the Associated Brain Activation via Neuroimaging" has been accepted to Frontiers of Neuroscience!
- 01/30/2021: Congratulations to Arun!! Their paper "Functional Brain Connectivity Related to Surgical Skill Dexterity in Physical and Virtual Simulation Environments" has been accepted in Neurophotonics!
- 01/19/2021: Congratulations to Dr. Intes and Dr. Barroso!! Their review article "Luminescence Lifetime Imaging of Three-Dimensional Biological objects" has been accepted in Journal of Cell Science!
- 01/15/2021: Congratulations to Erim and Dr. Intes! Their paper "Deep Neural Networks for the Assessment of Surgical Skills: A Systematic Review" has been accepted in Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation.
- 12/11/2020: Congratulations to Alena and Jason! Their paper "Quantification of Trastuzumab-HER2 engagement in vitro and in vivo" has been accepted in Molecules.
- 12/09/2020: Continued support, $3.1 million over 5 years, has been awarded through the US Army's CCDC-SC to support the lab's neuroimaging collaboration. Titled "Brain-based Metrics for Prolonged Field Care (PFC) Tasks", this multidisciplinary effort is focused on prolonged field care tasks to help certify field medics. This research aims to establish noninvasive brain imaging, in conjunction with computer vision and eye-tracking, as a standard of PFC skill certification and noninvasive neuromodulation (tES) for acceleration of skill acquisition and retention.
- 10/26/2020: The neuroimaging thrust of the lab will be further supported by $2.215M grant from the CDMRP-JCP1 program, titled "Artificially Intelligent Agents for Investigating Methods for Performance Overdrive (IMPROVE)". This is a CeMSIM multidisciplinary collaborative effort with Dr. Suvranu De and clinical collaborators at University of Buffalo. The goal of this project is to develop an AI-based paradigm (IMPROVE) to predict goal-directed learning behavior in humans.
- 10/02/2020: Congratulations to Cassie, David and Denzel! Their paper "Non-Destructive Tumor Aggregate Morphology and Viability Quantification at Cellular Resolution, During Development and in Response to Drug" has been accepted in Acta Biomaterialia!
- 09/01/2020: Congratulations to Fabrice and Jason! Their paper "Real-time, wide-field and high-quality single snapshot imaging of optical properties with profile correction using deep learning" has been accepted in Biomedical Optics Express!
- 08/16/2020: The first edition of "Imaging from Cells to Animals In Vivo", edited by Dr. Intes and Dr. Barroso, has been put into press and set for publication through CRC Press! Huge congratulations!!
- 07/25/2020: Congratulations to Yuanyuan! Her paper "Functional brain imaging reliably predicts bimanual motor skill performance in a standardized surgical task" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering!
- 07/21/2020: Congratulations to Alena, Nattawut, Marien and Kathleen! Their paper "Multiplexed Non-Invasive Tumor Imaging of Glucose Metabolism and Receptor-Ligand Engagement using Dark Quencher FRET Acceptor" has been accepted in Theranostics!!
- 07/16/2020: Congratulations to Marien, her paper "High Compression Deep Learning based Single-Pixel Hyperspectral Macroscopic Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging In Vivo" has been accepted in Biomedical Optics Express!
- 07/10/2020: Congratulations to Yuanyuan, she defended her thesis "Improving surgical motor skill assessment and acquisition via neuromodulation, neuroimaging, and machine learning" successfully!!!
- 06/24/2020: Congratulations to Yuanyuan! Her paper "The effects of transcranial electrical stimulation on human motor functions: A comprehensive review of functional neuroimaging studies" has been accepted in Frontiers in Neuroscience!
- 06/22/2020: Congratulations to Jason! His paper "Macroscopic Fluorescence Lifetime Topography enhanced via Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging" has been accepted in Optics Letters!
- 06/12/2020: Congratulations to Jason and Marien on their selection as a finalist for the 2020 OSA Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics Student Paper Prize for their joint paper, entitled "Hyperspectral Lifetime Unmixing via Deep Learning"!
- 05/04/2020: Congratulations to Jason and Marien! Their paper "UNMIX-ME: spectral and lifetime fluorescence unmixing via deep learning" has been accepted in Biomedical Optics Express!
- 04/15/2020: Congratulations to Shijie and Ruoyang. Their paper "Accelerating Monte Carlo modeling of structured-light based diffuse optical imaging via "photon sharing"" has been accepted in Optics Letters!
- 01/07/2020: Our new technique to perform hyperspectral and lifetime unmixing based on Deep Learning and single-pixel image reconstruction has been released on bioRxiv. Well done Marien!
- 01/07/2020: Our collaborative work Dr. Margarida Barroso from Albany Medical College on Macroscopic Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging that was funded by R01 EB019443 will continue to be supported thanks to a new grant from NCI 1R01CA250636-01: “In vivo Macroscopic Fluorescence Lifetime Molecular Optical Imaging” (scored at 6%). This is a 4 year effort supported by a $3.1M budget. The work will benefit from a close collaboration with Dr. Xavier Michalet from UCLA and Dr. Pingkun Yan from RPI.
- 12/03/2019: Huge congratulations to Mehmet, his paper "High Resolution Tomographic Analysis of in vitro 3D Glioblastoma Tumor Model under Long-Term Drug Treatment" has been accepted in Science Advances!
- 11/26/2019: Dr. Intes got the royal treatment from Nattawut in Bangkok! Always great to see alumni doing so well.
- 10/30/2019: Congratulations to Dr. Intes, he has been awarded the 2019 School of Excellence Engineering Award for his exceptional research achievements in translational biophotonics!
- 10/23/2019: Congratulations to Yuanyuan, her paper "A Machine Learning approach to predict surgical learning curves" has been accepted in Surgery. Well Done!
- 10/17/2019: Our collaborative work with Dr. Barroso's group, Dr. Wang's group & Mar's Biomaging, has been featured on local news for the second time! Check out more here.
- 10/16/2019: Congratulations to Jason, his paper "Fast fit-free analysis of fluorescence lifetime imaging via deep learning" has been accepted in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This is quite a remarkable achievement for a first year PhD student!
- 10/11/2019: Congratulations to Fugang, his paper "System configuration optimization for Mesoscopic Fluorescence Molecular Tomography " has been accepted in Biomedical Optics Express. Well Done!
- 10/03/2019: Our collaborative work with Dr. Barroso's group, Dr. Wang's group & Mar's Biomaging, aimed at coupling optical and specialized x-ray imaging in order to provide a low-cost approach capable of sensitive probing into effects of drug treatment, has been featured on ABC local news! The interview conducted by Spectrum News can be found here.
- 09/24/2019: Dr. Intes has been named an OSA fellow.
- 09/05/2019: Our in vivo multiplexed imaging work in collaboration with Dr. Barroso group has been released in bioRxiv. Well done Natt and Marien!
- 08/23/2019: Our new approach to perform hyperspectral and lifetime unmixing based on Deep Learning has been released on bioRxiv. Well done Jason and Marien!
- 07/18/2019: Congratulations to Ruoyang and Marien, their work "Net-FLICS: Fast Quantitative Wide-field Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging with Compressed Sensing – A deep learning approach" has received a follow-up NIBIB highlight.
- 07/11/2019: Our collaborative work with Dr. Dai's group on imaging bioprinted glioblastomas has been released in bioRxiv . Well done Mehmet!
- 04/29/2019: Congratulations to Dr. Ruoyang Yao! He is the recipient of the Zelda and David G. Gisser Prize 2019.
- 04/01/2019. Congratulations to Marien! She is the recipient of the Kahn fellowship 2019.
- 04/01/2019: Welcome to Navid Ibtehaj Nizam. Navid will join the lab this fall from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He will join the project focusing on fusing Photon-counting X-Ray CT with our Hyperspectral Single-Pixel Optical Tomographic system.
- 04/01/2019: Congratulations to Jason. He is the recipient of the Eiffel Excellence Fellowship . This fellowship is rooted in a collaborative program between Drs. Gioux’s (functional endoscopic imaging, iCUBE, France), Intes’ (optical molecular imaging, Deep Learning) and Miles’ labs (H&N optical guided surgery, ISMMS). This fellowship will support Jason to visit Dr. Gioux’s lab at U. Strasbourg for a period up to 12 months.
- 03/25/2019: Our collaborative grant with Dr. Ge Wang (RPI) and Dr. Margarida Barroso from Albany Medical College was scored at 1%. This grant, “Photon-counting X-ray and Optical Tomography for Preclinical Cancer Research", focuses on integrating photon-counting and Hyperspectral single-pixel imaging for preclinical studies. It is a 5 year NCI grant with a budget of $3.6M.
- 03/04/2019: Congratulations to Ruoyang and Marien, their work "Net-FLICS: Fast Quantitative Wide-field Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging with Compressed Sensing – A deep learning approach" has been highlighted in the NIBIB Newsroom , , and ScienceDaily.
- 02/15/2019: Congratulation to David, Cassie and Denzel. Their paper “Laser-Based 3D Bioprinting for Spatial and Size Control of Tumor Spheroids and Embryoid Bodies” has been published in Acta Biomateriala. Well done!
- 01/12/2019: Huge congratulations to Marien and Ruoyang! Their publication "Net-FLICS: Fast Quantitative Wide-field Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging with Compressed Sensing – A deep learning approach" has been accepted for publication in Nature – Light Science and Applications.
- 01/10/2019: Congratulations to Marien! She won the 1st place award at the poster presentation during RPI BME’s Graduate Research Symposium.
- 12/20/2018: Congratulations to Alena, Marien, Yuanyuan and Jason - all of their submissions have been accepted for oral presentation at the Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences, which will be held 14-17 April 2019 in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Well done!
- 12/19/2018: We wish all the best to Kathleen as she leaves this fall after earning her M.E.
- 12/06/2018: Dr. Intes has been named a SPIE fellow .
- 11/11/2018: Congratulations to Kathleen and Nattawut, their work “In vitro and in vivo phasor analysis of stoichiometry and pharmacokinetics using short lifetime near-infrared dyes and time-gated imaging" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Biophotonics.
- 11/05/2018: Congratulations! Both Ruoyang’s and Fungang’s paper are among the Top Downloads in Diffuse & Fluorescence Tomography from Biomedical Optics Express. Well Done!! Link*
- 10/04/2018: Congratulations to Arun, his work “Assessing bimanual motor skills with optical neuroimaging" has just been highlighted in both the Wall Street Journal , DailyMail, MSN News, CBC, and Medscape!
- 10/03/2018: Congratulations all! Our work will be featured at SPIE Bios 2019 in 8 oral presentations (2 of them being selected as invited) and 2 posters. Very well done!
- 10/01/2018: Congratulations to Arun, his paper "Objective Assessment of Surgical Skill Transfer Using Non-Invasive Brain Imaging" has been accepted for publication in Surgical Endoscopy.
- 09/17/2018: Congratulations to Kathleen and Marien, their review paper Review of structured light in diffuse optical imaging is now available online.
- 09/10/2018: Congratulations to Ruoyang, his paper “Hyperspectral wide-field time domain single-pixel diffuse optical tomography platform”, has been accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.
- 08/21/2018: Congratulations to Alena and Nattawut. Their paper in JCR has been selected for the cover story of the issue. The editor in chief of the journal Dr. Kinam Park, handpicked their work as “I was blown away by your technology. It is so practical and necessary for drug development”. Well done!
- 08/11/2018: Congratulations to Marien, her paper "Assessing Patterns for Compressive Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging" has been accepted for publication in Optics Letters.
- 08/09/2018: Congratulations to Ruoyang, his paper "A direct approach to compute Jacobians for diffuse optical tomography using perturbation Monte Carlo-based photon 'replay'" has been accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.
- 08/07/2018: Congratulations to Arun, his paper “Assessing bimanual motor skills with optical neuroimaging" has been accepted for publication in Science Advances. This is a journal in the Science family with an IF above 11! Well done!
- 07/16/18: Congratulations to Alena and Nattawut, their paper "Quantitative Imaging of Receptor-Ligand Engagement in Intact Live Animals" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Controlled Release. JCR is a leading journal in the field of drug development and optimization. Very well done!
- 07/11/18: Congratulations to Nattawut, he successfully defended his thesis titled “Wide-field macroscopic fluorescence lifetime imaging for pre-clinical assessment of targeted drug delivery”. Well done!!!
- 07/03/18: Congratulations to Ruoyang, he successfully defended his thesis titled “Compressive Diffuse Optical Tomography based on Structured Light and Monte Carlo Methods”. Well done!!!
- 06/14/2018: Congratulations to Arun, his paper “Objective Assessment of Surgical Skill Transfer Using Non-Invasive Brain Imaging " has been accepted for publication in Surgical Endoscopy.
- 05/31/2018: Congratulations to Kathleen and Marien, their paper “Structured Light in Diffuse Optical Imaging" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical optics within the Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging special issue.
- 05/25/2018: Congratulations to Nattawut, his paper “Comparison of illumination geometry for lifetime-based measurements in whole-body preclinical imaging" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Biophotonics.
- 05/15/2018: Congratulation to Fugang, his paper “Improving mesoscopic fluorescence molecular tomography via preconditioning and regularization" has been accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.
- 04/30/2018: Congratulations to Dr. Qi Pian! He is the recipient of the Zelda and David G. Gisser Prize 2018.
- 04/23/2018: Our collaborative work with Drs. Corr and Oberai on the OCT/OCE project has been highlighted in a video produced by the Art Department of RPI.
- 03/20/2018: Dr. Intes has been appointed as a Chartered Reviewer of the BMIT-B study section for the next 4 years. Members are selected on the basis of their demonstrated competence and achievement in their scientific discipline as evidenced by the quality of research accomplishments, publications in scientific journals, and other significant scientific activities, achievements, and honors.
- 03/20/2018: The lab will have 9 presentations, four of them being orals, at OSA Biomed 2018!
- 03/05/2018: Welcome to Jason Smith, who will join our group this Summer 2018 to continue his graduate education. Jason is joining us from Southern Connecticut State University and City College of NY where is completing a graduate research fellowship with Drs. Wu and Shi.
- 11/17/17: Congratulations to Arun, he successfully defended his thesis on 11/17/2017. Well done!!!
- 11/16/17: The work of Arun has been recently highlighted in RPI news.
- 10/27/2017: The collaborative grant that our group received from the National Cancer Institute with Dr. David Corr (RPI) and Dr. Margarida Barroso from Albany Medical College was recently highlighted by RPI news and the Times Union news outlets!
- 10/19/2017: The work of Arun that focuses on assessing surgical bimanual motor skills with optical neuroimaging has been posted on bioRxiv. This work was also highlighted in EurekAlert! and a note in the AIMBE fellowbook. This is the first work demonstrating that fNIRS can be a robust and quantitative tool for assessing surgical training and provide metrics for certification. Well done!
- 10/18/2017: Our work with the single pixel-imager has been advertised in a Research SpotLight for DLi.
- 09/25/2017: Congratulations to Denzel. He won the Young Scholar's Award, Road from Nanomedicine to Precision Medicine conference, Albany (Sept. 2017). Well done!
- 09/18/2017: Dr. Intes is joining the Editorial Board for Scientific Reports , a Nature Research journal.
- 09/18/2017: The lab was awarded a GPU grant from NVIDIA and will receive a GeForce Titan Xp card to pursue its cutting edge development in computational optics, including GPU-enhanced stochastic light propagation models and deep learning.
- 09/18/2017: The lab was awarded a GPU grant from NVIDIA and will receive a GeForce Titan Xp card to pursue its cutting edge development in computational optics, including GPU-enhanced stochastic light propagation models and deep learning.
- 08/21/2017: Congratulation to Wenxiang, his paper “Optical Tomographic Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Biomedical Optics.
- 08/18/2017: Our work published in Nature Photonics has been highlighted in multiple news outlets including: EurekAlert!, Newswise , , Health Medicinet , The Medical News , and Biophotonics.World.
- 07/21/2017: New paper from Fugang, Mehmet and Ruoyang is accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express : Improving mesoscopic fluorescence molecular tomography through data reduction. (learn more).
- 07/11/2017: Congratulations to Qi, he successfully defended his thesis on 07/11/2017. Well done!!!
- 07/06/2017: Congratulations to Lingling, her paper published in PLOS ONE in collaboration with Dr. Barroso is among the top 10% most cited PLOS ONE articles as of June 2017!
- 05/05/2017: Congratulations to Feixiao, his paper " Dental optical tomography with UCNPs: a feasibility study " has been accepted in JBO. Well done!
- 05/03/2017: Huge congratulations to Qi, Ruoyang, and Nattawut! Their paper " Compressive Hyperspectral Time-resolved Wide-Field Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging " was accepted to Nature Photonics. This impressive achievement was possible due to their constant hard work, meticulous dedication, and drive to impact our field.
- 05/02/2017: Congratulations to Dr. Mehmet Ozturk! He is the recipient of the Zelda and David G. Gisser Prize 2017.
- 04/21/2017: Welcome to Marien Ochoa, who will join our group this summer 2017 to continue her graduate education. Marien is joining us from the University of Rochester where she completed a M.S. with thesis under the mentoring of Pr. Andrew Berger.
- 04/21/2017: Thanks to all who participated in our second mini-retreat at RPI to discuss research synergies at the interface of engineering and cancer biology. This second edition was hosted at RPI on April 19th and was quite a dense day!
- 01/30/2017: The lab was awarded a 5 year R01 starting in April 2017 and focusing on the role of tumor heterogeneity on receptor engagement (RO1 CA207725). This three PIs grant is a collaborative effort between Dr. Corr's lab at RPI, Dr. Barroso's group at AMC and us. We will further develop our MFMT technology and apply it to bioprinted tissue to investigate the efficacy of targeted drug delivery in controlled heterogeneous tumors.
- 01/11/2017: New paper from Weimin Han with significant contribution from Feixiao published in Applied Mathematics and Computation (learn more).
- 11/10/2016: Mehmet has successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled: " High resolution mesoscopic tomography for in-vitro and in-vivo thick tissue imaging applications. " Well done!
- 09/12/2016: Our work in collaboration with AMC which focuses on imaging FRET in vivo will be featured in a Nature webinar held on 09/27/2016 (learn more).
- 09/10/2016: Congratulations to Kathleen! Her poster " Time-gated Phasor Analysis for Fast in vivo Kinetics of Ligand Receptor Engagement. " won the Best Poster Award in World Molecular Imaging Congress 2016 held on Septemer 7-10, 2016 in New York City (learn more).
- 06/03/2016: Dr. Intes has been promoted to Full Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, effective July 1st, 2016.
- 05/24/2016: Congratulations to Qi! He is the recipient of the Ajit Prabhu fellowship 2016-2017.
- 04/29/2016: Congratulations to Feixiao! His poster is selected as one of the 15 Student Poster Presentation Award Finalists at OSA BIOMED 2016.
- 04/07/2016: Feixiao has successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled:Optical tomography and light irradiation to reduce bacterial loads in oral health application.
- 04/05/2016: Dr. Intes was inducted to the College of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) on April 5th 2016. He was honored for his work on biomedical imaging.
- 02/16/2016: New paper from Feixiao is accepted for publication in the Journal of Biomedical Optics: Radiative transfer equation modeling by streamline diffusion modified continuous Galerkin method.